Mark your calendars for Sunday, May 21 for an MCC Family Meeting following the worship service.
There are three items on the agenda for the meeting:
- MCC Council will report to the congregation on the development of our new administrative structure.
- We will hold a vote to approve a special exemption to re-appoint office-bearers Olivia VanDyken (deacon) and Jess Brummel (elder) to a new 3-year term on council.*
- We will have a guided discussion on the vision and future of MCC.
Looking forward to this time together to listen to each other as we discuss and discern God’s future for MCC!
* Church order calls for elders and deacons to serve 3-year terms, with new office-bearers selected and approved by the congregation each year. In our newly-created council, we have office bearers reaching the end of their term after serving for only one year. In the interest of continuity, and in appreciation of the gifts and leadership of Olivia and Jess, we ask the congregation to vote on an exemption to re-appoint them to a new 3-year term. This new term begins July, 2023. We are thankful for Olivia and Jess’s willingness to continue serving MCC for another term!