Community Life

At MCC, we believe that church is more than just a Sunday service. It's about sharing life together.
That's why our Small Groups are so important.
They provide an opportunity for us to gather during the week, around a table, and be the people of Jesus in our neighborhoods. These groups allow us to build deeper relationships with each other, and to live out our faith in meaningful ways throughout the week. They are a vital part of our church community and a way for us to connect with others and feel a sense of belonging and support.
Here's how it works at MCC:

Volunteer Groups

These groups focus on a specific area of service and a specific time and place. If you are new to MCC joining a volunteer group is a great place to start. Learn More

Small Groups

Small Groups bring together a smaller number of people that meet on a regular schedule to not only build deeper community, but also study the Bible and grow in faith. Learn More


Triads are groups of three people who come together on a repeated basis to do a deep dive into prayer and study with eye toward genuine growth in becoming more like Jesus. Learn More
Our Vision for Community Life at MCC:
We know, vision often comes first, then the particulars. But we thought having read the above, our Vision for Small Groups at MCC would make more sense.
In a word, our Vision is for transformation. We want to become more like Jesus.
Do not conform to the pattern of this world,
but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.
Romans 12:2
I want to know Christ—yes, to know the power of his resurrection and participation in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, and so, somehow, attaining to the resurrection from the dead.
Philippians 3:10, 11
Transformation, becoming like Jesus, is a lifelong project. And there is no better time to get started than right now.